Scaled down celebrations - Cake and Covid

It’s a funny old world out there at the moment, isn’t it? Nothing seems normal or straight forward, and I don’t know about you, but i’m suspicious of EVERYONE I see. “Could you be the one that infects me?! “ I think to myself whilst trying desperately to be 2 meters from my fellow shoppers in my local supermarket. Silly I know, but I don’t think i’m alone in my way of thinking.

What i’ve noticed more than anything in the last month or so, is the goodness and positivity in people. I’m blown away on a daily basis as to how kind, supportive and generally wonderful our fellow human beings are, and how well we pull together in times of stress and uncertainty. I don’t know why but I was expecting the opposite, almost like Mad Max, apocalypse style selfishness - but its been totally the opposite.

Put to one side the tremendous volunteering efforts, the generous donations to charities and all the clapping from the general public, it’s the smaller acts of kindness that have been so touching.

In the last few weeks I’ve been working with a lot of clients (via CakeDrop and Dishpatch in some cases) who have wanted to to send their friends and family little treats, to give them a pick me up during lockdown. I’ve been inundated with requests for mini celebration cakes too, because birthdays, engagements and babies are still happening. Its wonderful to be able to bring little bits of joy to people in a time where alot of people are struggling. Its also fabulous to see that people still want to spend their precious income on something sweet for others. A lot of us have been hit hard financially from the pandemic, but its heart warming to see that people are spending their money on other people, on what are perceived as ‘non essential’ items. I think they are essential for our mental well being at a time when its very easy to spiral in to anxiety and depression vortex’s. One act of kindness tends to spark others, and before you know it we have a ‘pay it forward’ mentality and everyone benefits.

I’ve been reminded that love doesn’t stop. People are still getting engaged, planning weddings and i’ve seen some incredible stories of those who have had virtual ‘wedding ceremonies’ on their original wedding date, where they’ve had to postpone. Thank the Lord for the internet!

Not only is this kindness great for our mental well being, it also keeps small businesses like me alive. I can’t ever thank you lovely people enough for keeping me afloat at this time, and I will continue to brave the shops to find ingredients in order for you to keep sending joy to each other.

Keep sending love to each other, stay inside, and keep washing your hands. We’re not out of the woods yet, but we’re not far away x